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Re: Aw: Re: Acquiring Dental RVG on Linux

On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 09:42:08AM +0100, Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> There is some info on the licensing stuff in this document
> http://hsc.myvnc.com/last/good/upload/faq/pdf/CS3000_Dental_Imaging_IG.pdf[2]

This version of procedure is much newer than the one I bought in 2015.
Both node locked and floating (server) options are present in this which
weren't there back then. Neither is my device model present in most of the
screen shots where model numbers appear. [There is 5x00 in some screen
shots and I do not know how to correlate these two observations.]

The activation process on my device involves sharing with them a key that
is generated locally on your computer by running their utility, along with
device serial number and several more fields (10 to 20) and then they
return a code which is to be entered in their application.

What I am told by the retailer is if you need another installation (no
matter for your convenience or disk crashed or whatever) you need to pay
some fees to get and activate the license. We have to assume that they are
trying to exploit you or are themselves naive, if the license file theory
is to be true. Otherwise they could have told you to just copy a file from
one computer to another.

I do not recollect whether I tried it with this app (but most likely I
did), but I have seen this with multiple applications before, when they
say node locked it doesn't work by copying the installation to another

Now let's say for the sake of argument license file exists, the
initialization trace is unlikely to be a straightforward function of such

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