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Re: Introduction: Jun Aruga

> Hey Jun!
> It was really nice to finally meet you and it was great to have you at the Sprint!

Hi Michael, it's great to meet you again.

> That's me and another well known Debian contributor in the video :-D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNIInb72-z0

Yeah, I watched the video. I found that you and the well known Debian
contributor :-D

> I will be attending again, yes! I haven't decided on a particular proposal yet. Do you have any particular ideas?

Right now I have 2 ideas.

First idea is to visualize DNA bases including non-coding DNA by the
type of segments such as Exon, Intron, SINE, LINE and etc. [1][2]
Because as a Software Engineer, it looks fun for me to understand the
DNA data statically rather than dynamically.
For the sequencing, it might be better to use yeasts' genome [3]
rather than human genome.
Because a human genome is 3 billions base pairs, a yeast is 12 million
base pairs. it seems that yeast is easier to analyze. I knew that the
yeast is used to predict human's non-coding DNA behavior.

Second idea is even more a stretch. That is hands on gene editing and
DNA sequencing for non-biologist.
I was inspired by the event that is held in Cambridge UK this month.
As far as I know, this event is Europe first event for gene editing
for non-biologists.
I have been talking with the event organizer from last month. And it
is planned that he will share with me about the recipe of the event at
the end of this month.
The detail is [4]. This event is funded by Mozilla Science organization. [5]
If gene editing has some difficulties, only sequencing by Oxford
Nanopore and store the data to the public database might be

But I am not an expert. We need some help if we will do it.

Do you have ideas or opinions?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-coding_DNA#Types_of_non-coding_DNA_sequences
[2] https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Distribution-of-rDNA-contacting-sites-in-different-portions-of-the-human-genome-A-and_fig3_337591505
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeast
[4] https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-Synthetic-Biology-Meetup/events/268612875/
[5] https://biomake.space/home/blog/mozilla-grant-win-biomakespace-facilitates-accessible-gene-editing-and-dna-sequencing-technology

Jun | He - His - Him
jaruga@redhat.com / IRC: jaruga

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