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Re: Packaging ITK version 5

Hi Steve, Hi Gert,

I suppose targeting experimental at first makes sense.  I have
not spent that much time interacting with ITK, and may be a bit
short on spare cycles in the coming week, so don't believe I
have that much to add.  :)

I remember we've agreed on the upstream "withdata" notation
earlier, but in the light of recent discussions about data
packaging, having a separate src:insighttoolkit(5)-data crossed
my mind.  That might help to parallelize the work on the
packaging and diminish the weight of the source code, but that
would be a different workflow for sure, so don't want to impose
anything.  It's just a thought.

Gert Wollny, on 2020-11-16 12:49:09 +0100:
> Am Sonntag, den 15.11.2020, 13:07 -0600 schrieb Steven Robbins:
> > So my thought is to drop the python package.
> Agreed. 

Sounds good at least at first, to have a chance to have a
partial but functionnal ITK 5 soon.  Maybe this would be worth
dropping a NEWS item about ?  In case people are using this,
there is always the possibility to open a wishlist bug I
suppose.  It seems not that ideal, but maybe necessary, given
how these wrappers are a concern in terms of maintenance...

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier@mailoo.org>
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