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boost_program_options and autoconf on non-amd64 platforms

I noticed my recently submitted package libzeep does not build on architectures other than amd64. The configure script dies since it cannot find the library to link against.

When I tried this on a Debian buster install on an armel system, I had the same problem. One way to work around this is defining a variable in advance, like this:

if test "x$ax_boost_user_program_options_lib" = "x"; then
before the statement:
AX_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS in the configure.as script.

Is this a known problem? The variable AX_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS refers to a m4 macro that originates from the autoconf-archive package and that package hasn't changed recently as far as I can see. So the reason for failure must lie elsewhere.

I can try to figure out what really goes wrong, but since that might involve quite a bit of work, I'd rather do that only when really necessary.

regards, -maarten


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