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RF comments: seqcluster


I think seqcluster is about ready. What is kind of weird: seqcluster
creates R scripts. For their execution one may need the BioConductor
package DEGreport. The package itself however just builds and tests
fine. To get it out of our way, and since people may want to execute
seqcluster report on machines that are not Debian machines or already
have their own independent R installation (very likely), I suggest to
not delay that package for that reason.

What needs another deep look are the JavaScript libraries that these
reports need. Upstream was so kind to substitute a few embedded ones
with calls to external repositories. This hence creates privacy
complaints, so I removed the examples from the package. But the system
would still create such reports for the users. Anyway, I think it is
about time to invite you all to have a look:




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