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Re: Debian Med Sprint 2020 in Berlin?

On 1/8/20 10:57 AM, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> Dear all,
> since this seems to be a fixed date now, I am going to announce the
> sprint publicly on the debian-sprint list and, in that process, also ask
> for potential reimbursement.
> If you are coming and looking to be reimbursed for your travels, it
> would be very helpful to get some cost estimates from your side so I
> know what to ask for -- thanks!

Travel will be taken in charge by my university, so I only request for
hotel reimbursment.

Looks to be ~100 per night, for 3 nights, so I expect 300 euros.

I have booked Hotel Schöneberg, I will (should) have 2 beds, so I could
share my room with someone to lower the price.


> I have also added some accommodation options to the wiki page [1]
> Cheers
> Sascha
> P.S. Sadly there haven't been that many signups _yet_, maybe someone
> knows some channel to broaden the audience? ;)
> [1]
> https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2020/Debian%20Med%20Sprint%20Feb%202020%2C%20Berlin
> On 23.11.19 22:56, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
>> Dear team,
>> after some quick discussions with Andreas and Michael, I would be happy to propose Berlin as the next location for the annual sprint. I have checked with my employer [1] and they agreed to let us use their space for the weekend. The location would be the same as in the 2019 Berlin BSP [2]. It is a modern office building in Berlin-Schöneberg, within walking distance to various restaurants and pubs. It is also close to two major S-Bahn (city train) stations, allowing one to get anywhere in Berlin relatively quickly. Hotels and hostels are available a couple of S-Bahn stations away, for example near Anhalter Bahnhof or Potsdamer Platz [3].
>> Possible dates I have been discussed with our office management team would be in mid-February:
>>   - 8./9., or
>>   - 15./16.
>> The space will be available from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. We will have access to one large (~15 people) and one small (~ 5 people) meeting room, so working in separate groups from time to time is definitely possible. There will be fast wifi and power for laptops, as well as large displays on the walls of each room. There is also an open space with a coffee machine.
>> I have opened a poll to find out which weekend would suit you better. If you have other suggestions or preferences, please let me know — this was just a first shot and other options can be discussed. However, the weekends directly before and after the dates above are unlikely to work because on these I will not be able to be present for the event, which would be a prerequisite.
>> Here is the link to the poll:
>>   https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/debianmed2020/
>> If we agree to have the sprint in Berlin and also agreed on a date, I would be happy to set up a wiki page.
>> Best regards
>> Sascha
>> [1] https://www.dcso.de
>> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2019/02/de/Berlin
>> [3] https://www.google.com/maps/search/hotels+near+euref-campus/@52.4884989,13.3415758,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!2m4!5m3!5m2!4m1!1i2
Olivier Sallou
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Irisa, Campus de Beaulieu

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