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Re: PiGx: Pipelines in Genomics

The dependencies for pigx-rnaseq are now all on salsa, all testing fine.
These are also on med.functional.domains for quick installs. Somewhat
annoying is that the tests of pigx-rnaseq still fail. pigx-rnaseq is on
salsa - please have some fun with it.

My immediate plan is to package more for dependencies for other pigx
workflows and then hope for upstream to investigate failures with me
somewhen later this year. At the moment I am at the single-cell one. The
packaging is easier than for bcbio as the packages drag fewer
dependencies with them.



On 06.08.19 16:18, Steffen Möller wrote:
Hello again,

I packaged everything that was missing for pigx-rnaseq and put it into

Some bcbio/debian/TODO analogon of where we are I put in
Most bits are already uploaded, except for tximport and pigx-rnaseq itself.

The developer's version of tximport does not have that jquery problem
what I see, but no release tags. So I have asked for these and see how
things go. Over the next days I think I will rebuild that all on the
med.functional.domains and, should the tests work out fine, then likely
address the single-cell variant of it.



On 05.08.19 21:04, Steffen Möller wrote:

I was just pointed to PIGx (https://bioinformatics.mdc-berlin.de/pigx/ ,
https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giy123 ) that offers several
pipelines for "next generation" sequencing:


     PiGx BSseq <https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_bsseq> for raw
     fastq read data of bisulfite experiments


     PiGx RNAseq <https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_rnaseq> for RNAseq


     PiGx scRNAseq <https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_scrnaseq> for
     single cell dropseq analysis


     PiGx ChIPseq <https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_chipseq> for
     reads from ChIPseq experiments


     PiGx CRISPR <https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_crispr> /(work in
     progress)/ for the analysis of sequence mutations in CRISPR-CAS9
     targeted amplicon sequencing data

It ships with test scripts and data. Their package management is with
GUIX. Anyway, this could be something for us to get some "we can
workflow"-stamp before we have bcbio done. I looked at
https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_rnaseq/blob/master/requirements.txt and
which does not look too bad. I have just packaged a few dependencies for
it that we did not have with us, yet (trim_galore, the CRAN packages
corrplot (very nice, did not know about that one) and gProfiler (long
overdue)), and now I am a bit stuck on the BioConductor package
tximport, see separate email. But it very much seems like we are getting
there very quickly.



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