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Re: bcbio - kind of ready, but dependencies gffutils and pybedtools are no longer distributed

I now updated pybedtools to 0.8.0.

bcbio also builds with that newer version.

4 tests of the many pybedtools fail, one of them about internet access, but also one that looks like an error. Could someone please have a look? I'll upload with tests disabled in the meantime.



On 17.01.19 16:59, Michael Crusoe wrote:
Glad to hear about the BCBIO progress!

I removed those packages, they were only removed due to lack of use, so it is not problem if you bring them back.

În joi, 17 ian. 2019 la 17:53, Steffen Möller <steffen_moeller@gmx.de <mailto:steffen_moeller@gmx.de>> a scris:


    I just finished what started at 2018 Sprint, i.e. the packaging of
    bcbio. Their december release builds without a patch and autotests
    Python 3 are fine. I just uploaded 1.1.2 to salsa - please have a
    Now, running pbuilder I ran into missing packages for


    which in the meantime have been removed from the distribution. The
    source tree of bcbio makes strong direct use of them both. Can we
    them back? There was no technical reason for these packages to
    disappear, right?



Michael R. Crusoe
Co-founder & Lead, Common Workflow Language project <http://www.commonwl.org/>
Direktorius, VšĮ "Darbo eigos", Vilnius, Lithuania
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2961-9670 <https://impactstory.org/u/0000-0002-2961-9670>
mrc@commonwl.org <mailto:mrc@commonwl.org>
+1 480 627 9108 / +370 653 11125

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