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Re: Bio-Linux

Hi Tony,

That sounds reasonable, especially if we want to keep them as discreet projects. If Andreas would be willing to set this up that would be great.

As far as I can tell from the Debian documentation and what we've discussed, the complete set of Bio-Linux tasks would simply be Tim's original package list, divided into desktop and server tasks. I would ask your preference on whether we would use the reduced list I created which only has packages in sid (although this has some issues with virtual packages) or the compete set. I know that the documentation states the latter, but I don't know if all of the packages are still useful to Bio-Linux. As  for separating Bio-Linux server and client packages, I can go through Tim's packages and try and create a list of packages for a server task for review.



On 03/08/18 12:11, Tony Travis wrote:
On 31/07/18 19:50, William McCaffery wrote:
In regards to the suggestion of a separate source package, what would
that involve? Personally I don't think that having the name
med-bio-linux-desktop would be an issue, since, as far as I'm aware the
package will be mainly distributed from within the bio-linux iso,
through download, usb and cd.
Hi, William.

I think it is an issue, because I'd like to install "bio-linux-desktop"
on an existing Ubuntu/Debian system using:

   apt install bio-linux-desktop

I'd also like "bio-linux server", so the server-side can be removed from
the desktop. In principle I'd like to install everything using:

   apt install bio-linux

As you can install all of "med-bio" using:

   apt install med-bio



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