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[Outreachy] Autopkgtest for proda

Hi Nadiya,

I realised that you added autopkgtest to proda.  I assumed you
considered this finished since you have set the target distribution in
d/changelog to "unstable".  I'd recommend you should rather use
"UNRELEASED" as you get automatically when using

    dch -i

to create a new changelog entry.  The rationale is that I might do some
other changes and unstable should just be used for finalised packages.
In the case of proda I decided to move the packaging from SVN to Git (so
please make sure you will not try to commit something to SVN in case you
intend to do further changes).  The rationale for this move to Git is
some discussion on debian-devel list which seems to indicate that it
would be helpful to migrate our packages more agressively than before to
make sure that not to much work is left once we might be somehow forced
to leave SVN at some point in time.

Thanks for your work on the package



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