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Java question: How to query picard-tools for --version


I'm struggling to package metaBIT[1] and I'm currently stumbling upon
the fact that it is querying picard-tools for its version number.  While
I could proably simply skip this test and make sure via dependencies
that this is fullfilled I'd like to understand the issue myself.

When grepping picard-tools source there is a definition of --version

/picard-tools(master) $ grep -R -- "-version" | grep ^src
src/main/resources/release_picard.sh:# java_version=`java -version 2>&1 | fgrep -i version`
src/main/java/picard/cmdline/CommandLineParser.java:            {"--version", null, "Displays program version."}
src/main/java/picard/cmdline/CommandLineParser.java:            if (arg.equals("--version")) {

When trying

   /usr/bin/PicardCommandLine --version

I get

'--version' is not a valid command. See PicardCommandLine --help for more information.

Funny enough also

   /usr/bin/PicardCommandLine --help

ends up in

'--help' is not a valid command. See PicardCommandLine --help for more information.

When calling the command inside PicardCommandLine manually and add the specific
class that contains the --version option

   java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar /usr/share/java/picard.jar picard.cmdline.CommandLineParser --version

I get

'picard.cmdline.CommandLineParser' is not a valid command. See PicardCommandLine --help for more information.

I also tried

   ava  -classpath /usr/share/java/picard.jar main=picard.cmdline.CommandLineParser --version
Error: Could not find or load main class main=picard.cmdline.CommandLineParser

So how can I successfully query for the picard-tools version.

Kind regards


[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/metabit.git


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