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List of packages without testsuite fetched from UDD (Was: Coding period starting soon ...)

[Moving discussion to the list again.]

Hi Canberk,

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 01:45:14PM +0300, Canberk Koç wrote:
> I look for bugs but honestly i don't get what is going on i'm trying to
> figure it our now.

Please ask for more details what might be unclear.  For me it is hard to
know what might be a stumbling stone for you if I do not hear anything.
Any question is fine - I'll try my best to answer in detail.

> In coding session you said you can give me a sort of program list which are
> urgent. I wait for them also.

Ahh, please do not hesitate to ask if you are waiting for input from me.
I'm a bit in a hurry and I can not quickly give any priorisation - but I
can easily give a list of packages in question that have or are missing
a test suite.  We have UDD (the Ultimate Debian Database) and if I run
the following query:

psql udd -c "select distinct source, release, testsuite from sources where source in (select distinct source from packages where package in (select package from blends_dependencies where blend = 'debian-med' and task = 'bio')) and release  = 'sid' order by source;"

I get the attached list of packages in the Debian Med biology task.

Just check what package does not have an autopkgtest and that sounds
somehow known to you.  I'll enhance the query to merge in results of
popularity contest to make sure we will tackle frequently used packages

> Further i don't know what to do for now :-)

Well, you once started with a single test for one of our packages.  I
assumed you would continue with other packages.  If I should rather name
the packages than letting you pick freely from the list - that's fine.
I'll do so in the next 24h.

Kind regards


          source          | release |  testsuite  
 abacas                   | sid     | 
 abyss                    | sid     | 
 acedb                    | sid     | 
 adun.app                 | sid     | 
 aegean                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 aevol                    | sid     | 
 alien-hunter             | sid     | 
 alter-sequence-alignment | sid     | 
 altree                   | sid     | 
 amap-align               | sid     | 
 ampliconnoise            | sid     | 
 andi                     | sid     | 
 anfo                     | sid     | 
 aragorn                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 arb                      | sid     | 
 arden                    | sid     | 
 artemis                  | sid     | 
 artfastqgenerator        | sid     | autopkgtest
 augustus                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 autodocksuite            | sid     | autopkgtest
 autodocktools            | sid     | 
 autodock-vina            | sid     | 
 axe-demultiplexer        | sid     | autopkgtest
 ball                     | sid     | 
 bamtools                 | sid     | 
 barrnap                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 bcftools                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 beagle                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 beast-mcmc               | sid     | 
 bedtools                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 berkeley-express         | sid     | 
 biomaj                   | sid     | 
 biomaj-watcher           | sid     | 
 bio-rainbow              | sid     | 
 blasr                    | sid     | 
 blimps                   | sid     | 
 bowtie                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 bowtie2                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 boxshade                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 brig                     | sid     | 
 bwa                      | sid     | 
 cain                     | sid     | 
 cassiopee                | sid     | 
 cdbfasta                 | sid     | 
 cd-hit                   | sid     | 
 cgview                   | sid     | 
 circlator                | sid     | autopkgtest
 circos                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 clearcut                 | sid     | 
 clonalframe              | sid     | 
 clustalo                 | sid     | 
 clustalw                 | sid     | 
 clustalx                 | sid     | 
 cluster3                 | sid     | 
 codonw                   | sid     | 
 coils                    | sid     | 
 concavity                | sid     | 
 conservation-code        | sid     | 
 cufflinks                | sid     | 
 daligner                 | sid     | 
 dawg                     | sid     | 
 dazzdb                   | sid     | 
 dialign                  | sid     | 
 dialign-t                | sid     | 
 dindel                   | sid     | 
 discosnp                 | sid     | 
 disulfinder              | sid     | 
 dnaclust                 | sid     | 
 dssp                     | sid     | 
 dwgsim                   | sid     | 
 ea-utils                 | sid     | 
 ecopcr                   | sid     | 
 edtsurf                  | sid     | 
 eigensoft                | sid     | autopkgtest
 embassy-domainatrix      | sid     | 
 embassy-domalign         | sid     | 
 embassy-domsearch        | sid     | 
 embassy-phylip           | sid     | 
 emboss                   | sid     | 
 emboss-explorer          | sid     | 
 epcr                     | sid     | 
 exonerate                | sid     | 
 falconkit                | sid     | autopkgtest
 fastaq                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 fastdnaml                | sid     | 
 fastlink                 | sid     | 
 fastml                   | sid     | 
 fastqc                   | sid     | 
 fasttree                 | sid     | 
 fastx-toolkit            | sid     | 
 ffindex                  | sid     | 
 figtree                  | sid     | 
 filo                     | sid     | 
 fitgcp                   | sid     | 
 flexbar                  | sid     | 
 freecontact              | sid     | 
 fsm-lite                 | sid     | 
 gamgi                    | sid     | 
 garlic                   | sid     | 
 gasic                    | sid     | 
 gbrowse                  | sid     | 
 gdpc                     | sid     | 
 genometools              | sid     | autopkgtest
 gentle                   | sid     | 
 gff2aplot                | sid     | 
 gff2ps                   | sid     | 
 ghemical                 | sid     | 
 giira                    | sid     | 
 glam2                    | sid     | 
 gmap                     | sid     | 
 grinder                  | sid     | 
 gromacs                  | sid     | 
 gubbins                  | sid     | 
 gwama                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 harvest-tools            | sid     | 
 hhsuite                  | sid     | 
 hmmer                    | sid     | 
 hmmer2                   | sid     | 
 htslib                   | sid     | 
 hyphy                    | sid     | 
 idba                     | sid     | 
 igv                      | sid     | 
 indelible                | sid     | 
 infernal                 | sid     | 
 ipig                     | sid     | 
 iqtree                   | sid     | 
 iva                      | sid     | autopkgtest
 jaligner                 | sid     | 
 jalview                  | sid     | 
 jellyfish                | sid     | autopkgtest
 jmodeltest               | sid     | 
 jmol                     | sid     | 
 kalign                   | sid     | 
 khmer                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 kineticstools            | sid     | 
 king-probe               | sid     | 
 kissplice                | sid     | 
 kmc                      | sid     | autopkgtest
 kmer-tools               | sid     | 
 kraken                   | sid     | 
 last-align               | sid     | 
 libncl                   | sid     | 
 librg-utils-perl         | sid     | 
 logol                    | sid     | 
 loki                     | sid     | 
 ltrsift                  | sid     | 
 macs                     | sid     | 
 macsyfinder              | sid     | 
 mafft                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 mapsembler2              | sid     | 
 maq                      | sid     | 
 maqview                  | sid     | 
 massxpert                | sid     | 
 maude                    | sid     | 
 mauve-aligner            | sid     | 
 melting                  | sid     | 
 metastudent              | sid     | 
 metastudent-data         | sid     | 
 metastudent-data-2       | sid     | 
 mhap                     | sid     | 
 microbegps               | sid     | 
 microbiomeutil           | sid     | autopkgtest
 minia                    | sid     | 
 miniasm                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 minimap                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 mipe                     | sid     | 
 mira                     | sid     | 
 mlv-smile                | sid     | 
 mobyle                   | sid     | 
 mobyle-programs          | sid     | 
 mobyle-tutorials         | sid     | 
 mothur                   | sid     | 
 mrbayes                  | sid     | 
 mrs                      | sid     | 
 mummer                   | sid     | 
 murasaki                 | sid     | 
 muscle                   | sid     | 
 mustang                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 nanopolish               | sid     | autopkgtest
 ncbi-blast+              | sid     | 
 ncbi-seg                 | sid     | 
 ncbi-tools6              | sid     | 
 neobio                   | sid     | 
 njplot                   | sid     | 
 norsnet                  | sid     | 
 norsp                    | sid     | 
 openms                   | sid     | 
 paml                     | sid     | 
 paraclu                  | sid     | 
 parsinsert               | sid     | 
 pbalign                  | sid     | 
 pbbarcode                | sid     | autopkgtest
 pbdagcon                 | sid     | 
 pbgenomicconsensus       | sid     | autopkgtest
 pbsim                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 pbsuite                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 pdb2pqr                  | sid     | 
 perlprimer               | sid     | 
 perm                     | sid     | 
 phybin                   | sid     | 
 phylip                   | sid     | 
 phyml                    | sid     | 
 phyutility               | sid     | 
 picard-tools             | sid     | 
 piler                    | sid     | 
 placnet                  | sid     | 
 plasmidomics             | sid     | 
 plast                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 plink                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 plink1.9                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 plip                     | sid     | autopkgtest
 poa                      | sid     | 
 populations              | sid     | 
 poretools                | sid     | 
 prank                    | sid     | 
 predictnls               | sid     | 
 predictprotein           | sid     | 
 prime-phylo              | sid     | 
 primer3                  | sid     | 
 proalign                 | sid     | 
 probabel                 | sid     | 
 probalign                | sid     | 
 probcons                 | sid     | 
 proda                    | sid     | 
 prodigal                 | sid     | 
 profbval                 | sid     | 
 profisis                 | sid     | 
 profnet                  | sid     | 
 profphd                  | sid     | 
 profphd-utils            | sid     | 
 proftmb                  | sid     | 
 progressivemauve         | sid     | 
 proteinortho             | sid     | autopkgtest
 prottest                 | sid     | 
 pycorrfit                | sid     | 
 pymol                    | sid     | 
 pynast                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 pyscanfcs                | sid     | 
 python-cogent            | sid     | 
 python-dendropy          | sid     | 
 qiime                    | sid     | 
 raccoon                  | sid     | 
 rasmol                   | sid     | 
 raster3d                 | sid     | 
 rate4site                | sid     | 
 raxml                    | sid     | 
 ray                      | sid     | 
 r-bioc-annotate          | sid     | 
 r-bioc-aroma.light       | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-biostrings        | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-cummerbund        | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-ebseq             | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-edger             | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-genefilter        | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-gviz              | sid     | 
 r-bioc-hilbertvis        | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-limma             | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-bioc-rtracklayer       | sid     | 
 r-cran-ape               | sid     | 
 r-cran-bio3d             | sid     | 
 r-cran-boolnet           | sid     | 
 r-cran-genabel           | sid     | 
 r-cran-phangorn          | sid     | 
 r-cran-qtl               | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-cran-seqinr            | sid     | 
 r-cran-vegan             | sid     | autopkgtest
 rdp-alignment            | sid     | 
 rdp-classifier           | sid     | 
 rdp-readseq              | sid     | 
 readseq                  | sid     | 
 reapr                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 relion                   | sid     | 
 repeatmasker-recon       | sid     | 
 reprof                   | sid     | 
 rnahybrid                | sid     | autopkgtest
 rna-star                 | sid     | 
 roary                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 r-other-mott-happy       | sid     | 
 rsem                     | sid     | 
 rtax                     | sid     | 
 saint                    | sid     | 
 salmon                   | sid     | 
 samtools                 | sid     | autopkgtest
 scrm                     | sid     | 
 scythe                   | sid     | 
 seaview                  | sid     | 
 seer                     | sid     | 
 seqan                    | sid     | 
 seq-gen                  | sid     | 
 seqprep                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 seqtk                    | sid     | 
 sga                      | sid     | 
 sibsim4                  | sid     | 
 sickle                   | sid     | 
 sift                     | sid     | 
 sigma-align              | sid     | 
 sim4                     | sid     | 
 smalt                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 smrtanalysis             | sid     | 
 snap                     | sid     | autopkgtest
 snap-aligner             | sid     | 
 snpomatic                | sid     | autopkgtest
 snp-sites                | sid     | autopkgtest
 soapdenovo               | sid     | 
 soapdenovo2              | sid     | 
 sortmerna                | sid     | 
 spaced                   | sid     | 
 spades                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 sprai                    | sid     | 
 spread-phy               | sid     | 
 squizz                   | sid     | 
 sra-sdk                  | sid     | 
 ssake                    | sid     | autopkgtest
 stacks                   | sid     | 
 staden                   | sid     | 
 staden-io-lib            | sid     | autopkgtest
 subread                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 suitename                | sid     | 
 sumaclust                | sid     | 
 sumatra                  | sid     | 
 surankco                 | sid     | 
 swarm-cluster            | sid     | 
 tantan                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 t-coffee                 | sid     | 
 theseus                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 tigr-glimmer             | sid     | 
 tm-align                 | sid     | 
 tophat                   | sid     | 
 toppred                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 transdecoder             | sid     | autopkgtest
 transrate-tools          | sid     | 
 transtermhp              | sid     | 
 tree-puzzle              | sid     | 
 treeview                 | sid     | 
 treeviewx                | sid     | 
 trimmomatic              | sid     | 
 trinityrnaseq            | sid     | autopkgtest
 uc-echo                  | sid     | 
 ugene                    | sid     | 
 varna                    | sid     | 
 varscan                  | sid     | 
 vcftools                 | sid     | 
 velvet                   | sid     | autopkgtest
 velvetoptimiser          | sid     | 
 vsearch                  | sid     | autopkgtest
 wise                     | sid     | autopkgtest
 zalign                   | sid     | 
(347 Zeilen)

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