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ConQuest splitted in 5 packages

Hello ALL,

Completing another milestone in my plan, I've successfully splitted
conquest-dicom-server in 5 binary packages (the source is still named
conquest-dicom-server in order not to conflict with a game named conquest,
following some tips in a thread on debian-devel [1]).

So now we have conquest-{common,dbase,sqlite,mysql,postgres}. Except for the
-common (which is required), other packages are exclusive - you can only have
one installed. Packages with file-based databases (-sqlite and -dbase) are
ready to use after installation. Packages that need a server-based database
(-mysql -postgres) need configuration and will not run initscript start after

I am quite happy with that arrangement, but I'll study dbconfig-common to
check the feasibility to bring database configuration to those packages so
they can be ready to use once dpkg does its job.

I've put up an unofficial repo for i386 arch (not signed, please note) at
ravel. You can add:

deb http://people.debian.org/~spectra/debian spectra-wheezy/


deb http://people.debian.org/~spectra/debian spectra-sid/

to your sources.list if you want to play with it and not have to compile it.
Except for the non-standard release name (spectra-sid and spectra-wheezy),
they should be lintian clean.

Feel free to comment on those packages. Also, as I already posted [2], I want
to add a 6th binary package with the CGI interface. This might be just an
almost virtual package creating a symlink of the /usr/bin/dgate binary to
cgi-bin directory and installing a different configuration file... unless I
am able to strip only CGI logic from dgate binary (it would be useful not to
depend on a database-backed package, since the CGI can be used in another
machine). Anyway, I'd appreciate comments on where should I put those
binaries and who should own it, as I mentioned in the previous email.



[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/03/msg00408.html
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2014/03/msg00091.html

Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) <pablo@propus.com.br>
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