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Re: Orthanc 0.5.0

Dear Karsten,

Thank you for your interest in Orthanc!

does Orthanc allow DICOM clients (such as Ginkgo CADx) to
connect via the DICOM API (C-STORE etc) ?

The status of the features of the various versions of Orthanc is summarized in a quick reference table [1]. This table means that Orthanc can currently:

* Receive files through DICOM protocol (C-Store SCP),
* Send files to other modalities (C-Store SCU), and
* Make search on remote modalities (C-Find SCU).

So, a client such as Ginkgo CADx can send its files to Orthanc through DICOM, and Orthanc can send its own DICOM instances to Ginkgo CADx through DICOM.

However, it is currently not (yet) possible to make a query/retrieve DICOM request to Orthanc from Ginkgo CADx through the DICOM protocol (C-Find + C-Move). I plan to develop this feature in the following weeks [2].

In the meantime, it is of course possible to use the REST API to retrieve the DICOM files that are stored in Orthanc (e.g. with libcurl). This is explained on the wiki [3].

By the way, you can vote for features on the Trello board of Orthanc [2].


[1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ao5aRMxCX2hldEJadzVUaWFmNW5QTWhrYTI3UHMzdXc&single=true&gid=0&output=html
[2] https://trello.com/board/orthanc-roadmap/5007b5e3301325355ddd8e67
[3] https://code.google.com/p/orthanc/wiki/RestContent

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