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Re: Turning debian/upstream into BibTeX (Was: Tasks pages (close to) fixed; Bibref does not seem to be updated automatically)

> Published-Authors: Alois Schlögl, Clemens Brunner
> Published-DOI: 10.1109/MC.2008.407
> Published-In: Computer, 41(10): 44-50
> Published-Title: BioSig: A Free and Open Source Software Library for BCI Research
> Published-URL: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/publications/Schloegl2007_BCI_Software.pdf
> Published-Year: 2008
> Published-Authors: Some other Author
> Published-Title: Some stupid title
> ...
>         value	text NOT NULL,                                                                                                                                                                    
> 	rank	int NOT NULL,
>         PRIMARY KEY (package,key,rank)
> );               
> >...<
> In short: If we really want to support multiple references we need to
> clarify the use cases and the implementation details first.  I'm
> personally not really convinced that we could not go with one major
> reference per package and whether the trouble we need to deal with is
> worth the effort for some exceptions.

What about adding an explicit 'Key' field, e.g.

Published-Key: IntroPaper

or may be even (I guess uglier -- just throwing ideas) using  the key
within field name:



Then bib entry could get an entry code as 'Package:Key'

For the task pages, you can indeed take the first or the last entry

> > ;-)
> BTW, every developer is free to mention debian/upstream in debian/docs
> for the moment - we just missed to do this.

I should start introducing it to my packages following

> fine.  The only thing we should decide when finding a name would be
> whether we want to restrict it explicitely to bibliography or whether
> we rather stick to a more generic "upstream" name which enables more
> flexibility in case we need to handle some other upstream data.

rright -- what other use cases do you see behind such tools?

> > IIRC I have looked for such a place and there were no suitable one (I
> > could be wrong), so in that preliminary debian-bibliography
> > package we placed /usr/share/bib/debian.bib  with the intent to seek
> > adding /usr/share/bib into default BIBINPUTS.

> I do not consider /usr/share as the right place to put autogenerated
> data and the method I described is autogenerated.

yeap -- I got that aspect ;-)  But if we would be to hunt adjusting
default BIBINPUTS we could extend it with /var location as well.... or
we could just symlink it under /usr/share/bib -- it seems to be not
uncommon to symlink /var stuff under /usr

> So this is rather a manually compiled list of references and is
> something else than what we discussed before about fetching the
> bibliographic data from debian/upstream right?

yeap -- although for debian policy, dev ref we might just get /upstream
I still see some cases (e.g. those references from the debian wiki)
where statically generated file might be worth... or another side could
be -- is it really worth demanding installing debian-policy and dev-ref
packages just to get their bib entries for citation?

> Or do you want to freeze
> the bibliographic data at some certain point in time inside a source
> package and then upload this package with the references?  I'd regard
> this method as a possible alternative with the drawback of beeing not
> perfectly up to date - just to make sure I do understand you correctly.

once again -- that one was intended to be complimentary to 'software'

as for "frozen version" -- we indeed might like to generate the ultimate
.bib file through harvesting full archive

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