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Re: getData and a new upload of autodocksuite

Hi Olivier,

On 09/05/2011 07:59 AM, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> [...]
>> My basic question to you guys now would be
>> 0) do you share the vision that the packages should come with
>> instructions how to get the data, not the getData package itself?
> This is a difficult point. Data location/format may change in time, and impacts the software package in this case (let's http location change), and all packages needing it.... But, post download processes is specific to each package so....
This basically means there is no ultimate answer but it all depends on
the respective data and if upstream happens to be moving or whatever.

It would all be less of a concern as long as we are only using testing
or unstable. What worries me is the transition of outdated instructions
to stable - and we are with a few exceptions not using backports.d.o., yet.

We could think about maintaining such download instructions online.
>> a) how can we have something that both BioMaj (because it is nice) and
>> getData (because it is easy for me at least) can work with
> Biomaj takes in charge the download etc... so setting direct commands will not work directly.
> However, biomaj could parse this kind of data. The impact is  data package will not use all biomaj features.
> One nice point however would be to set the source without the wget etc..., only the URL (or to separate those in "source" and "download" for example)
> Biomaj use mainly URLs and regexp to know what need to be downloaded, however a description need to be generic e.g. tool agnostic (to be able to use any tool and ease tools changes).
I am very much with you. getData once set out to do just that.

My hunch was that with something close to Perl (or any other scripting
language) we would not be limited to any official commands for the post
installation. And everyone would immediately see what the instructions mean.

> Regarding Biomaj/Getdata/other, what would be required I think is a generic tool name and to use system alternatives. User would set in Depends either the generic name (for any) or a specific tool name. In postinst he would exec the data download/update task with the generic tool name.
I need to see it to understand it :)
>> b) how shall we define the permissions for getData of the data
>> directory?
> Well, a specific data directory must be used for all "data" (/var/lib/med/data?, or whatever...).
It defaults to /var/lib/getdata for the moment and can be specified at
> It should be read-only for other users. This directory should be used for data access but should not be modified, I think, by the user.
Are you creating a user for biomaj to own the data, like dataadm? It
seems like getData should then use the same, if you don't mind.

Many greetings


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