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Re: [samannsml@directbox.com: Medicine-HowTos]

Dear Sascha,

I read from the FedoraMedical list that you are updating the MedicineHOWTO.

Here are a couple of suggestions concerning Debian Med. They have not been
reviewed by my colleagues, but I thought that we would save some time if I
sent them to everybody.

 - We clarified our name, without a dash at the middle.
 - Since our activities are broad, I would like to suggest to put our
   general presentation ouside the Medical Record Applications section.
 - More in general, I have updated our presentation. 

The patch attached here may be a bit intrusive, but I hope it will be helpful to you.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
--- Medical-HOWTO.orig.xml	2011-01-29 20:33:55.000000000 +0900
+++ Medical-HOWTO.xml	2011-01-29 21:49:03.000000000 +0900
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
                     <para>Minor changes, Changed license to GPL. Some more reorganization. Which to
                         say I have deleted out a ton of comments that I put that were useless. More
-                        pimping of Debian-med.</para>
+                        pimping of Debian Med.</para>
@@ -330,13 +330,29 @@
-        <title>Debian-Med</title>
-        <sect2>
-            <title>Debian-med Homepage</title>
-            <para>One location to find information on medical projects is <ulink
-                    url="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med/";>Debian-Med</ulink>. Debian-Med has
-                a very nice listing of projects.</para>
-        </sect2>
+        <title>Debian Med</title>
+        <para>Debian Med is a <ulink url="http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/";>Debian
+            Pure Blend</ulink> project that allows for installation of medical themed
+            appliations. Debian Med is not a separate distribution, but is an extended
+            functionality for Debian users. Its <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/index";>tasks
+            pages</ulink> enlists many applications for the medical community, ready
+            for installation and that you will also see below. With Debian Med, you can
+            take advantage of the robustness of the Debian packaging system to download and
+            install and upgrade applications in a couple of clicks or commands.</para>
+        <para>After you have installed Debian, you can choose to either pick single
+            applications by yourself, or you can choose to install a whole family of
+            applications corresponding to Debian Med tasks. Among them, the 
+            <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/practice";>Practice</ulink>,
+            <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/data";>Medical data</ulink>, or
+            <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/imaging";>Imaging</ulink> tasks
+            are particularly relevant for medical practice, but there are other
+            <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/index";>tasks</ulink>
+            in Debian Med, like for example <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/ngs";>Next-Generation
+            sequencing</ulink> for the new genomics technologies, or
+            <ulink url="http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/tools";>Tools</ulink> for
+            everybody to manage their own health.</para>
+        <para><ulink url="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med/";>Click here to access the
+                Debian Med home page</ulink>.</para>
         <title>openSUSE medical</title>
@@ -436,22 +452,6 @@
         <title>Medical Record Applications</title>
-            <title>Debian Med</title>
-            <para>Debian-Med is a Debian meta-project allows for installation of medical themed
-                appliations. Debian-Med is not a separate distribution, but is an extended
-                functionality for Debian users. Below you will see many applications for the medical
-                community. Typically, you would download and install a single application, and
-                resolve any issues that arise during an installation. Debian-Med solves that
-                installation issue. The Debian-Med project leaders will note that an application is
-                a medical or biosciences related application. </para>
-            <para>After you have installed Debian, you can choose to load either a single
-                application, or you can choose to load Debian-Med. Loading Debian-Med will install
-                all of the applications that have been designated as medical or biosciences related.
-                The Debian-Med project can be found in the Apt-get repositories. <ulink
-                    url="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med/";>Click here to access the
-                    Debian-Med home page</ulink>.</para>
-        </sect2>
-        <sect2>
             <title>openSUSE medical</title>
             <para>The <ulink url="http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Medical";>openSUSE medical</ulink>
                 Project is a sub-project of the openSUSE Project and was founded in 2009 by Sascha

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