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question on doc

I have a few questions regarding documentation.

With clustal omega, there is HTML documentation for the API ( for

Should I create a sub package for API documentation, as it is a little
big and keep it arch independant (and in this case, which section should
I set for the package) ?
Should I gzip the HTML files ? Debian policy suggests to do so, but in
case of HTML, it is not a single file but a bunch of files....
And, if gzipped, what should I put in xx.doc-base (it is not really HTML

At least, I have some errors with lintian on doc-base. Though I follow
tutorial at [1]:

E: libclustalo-dev: doc-base-file-unknown-field libclustalo-dev:6 format
E: libclustalo-dev: doc-base-file-unknown-field libclustalo-dev:7 index
E: libclustalo-dev: doc-base-file-unknown-field libclustalo-dev:8 files

For the file:
Document: libclustalo-dev
Title: Clustal Omega API
Author: Generated from Doxygen
Abstract: API for development with clustal omega
Section: Programming/C++
Format: HTML
Index: /usr/share/doc/libclustalo-dev/api/html/index.html
Files: /usr/share/doc/libclustalo-dev/api/html/*

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#doc-base




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