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Re: French drug database in GNUmed

For now I can :
1) help you to connect gnumed to FreeDiams (exchange file, command
line, XML coded). FreeDiams is already connected to MedinTux
software ; it is i18n (en/fr/de - es in progress). And works really
fine with it. google-translate this page :

Thanks for the kind offer. Are you saying FreeDiams handles the data access
part and acts as a mediator between the database and Medintux ?
Yes MendinTux calls as an external process FreeDiams with specific command line params and an exchange file (that contains nothing for new prescription or the prescription to modify with FD). FreeDiams reads and analyse the exchange file. User prescribe/modify with FreeDiams. When FreeDiams is closed --> exchange file is filled and MedinTux just has to store the content where it does.

2) give you two free drugs database :
  2.1) French :
http://afssaps-prd.afssaps.fr/php/ecodex/telecharger/ telecharger.php (16
000 drugs)
2.2) USA : http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ ucm079750.htm
  2.3) All these databases are developed by government agencies. They
are reliable and regularly updated.

So I assume you have written some interface to talk to the two drug sources or
so you import the data in a special way.

Well for now I'm only using french DB. Using sqlite .import there are no special problem as files are CSV tab formatted.

The main problem is that those database comes without any DDD... That's a problem because users must redefine their own "dosages". FreeDiams is prepared for sharing users' "dosages" via my server. I need a scientific commitee to control informations.

Actually FreeDiams uses SQLite for the drugs database access, dosage
saving, templates saving, but I can work on a postgre translation...

I will forward that kind offer to the GNUmed mailing list. Have you heard of
drugref2 before ?

No, I'll take a look at.

From the standpoint of any EMR it would be really worthwhile
if a common interface could be developed that abstracts the underlying data sources. I guess your work is a great step in that direction and I wonder how much work it would be to work on something like drugref given your work.

Yes no problem, the database structure must be as described in my doc :
There are some part of code I'll must change to adapt to your datas, but nothing unconquerable ;) Interactions between drugs are calculated via french INN so you will not have access to this functionnality untill you translate all INNs...

I imagine something like that:

FreeDiams cmd line
FDA data/DPD data/French data

Yes, like this :
  | (calls external process FreeDiams - must be configured)
| (reads your preferences, opens the selected database : fr, us, drugref2)
  |  (reads and analyse your exchange file)
  |  (let you work)
  |  (end of process :
  |     prescription is transmitted as HTML for presentation
  |     and hidden XML for futur modifications
  |     via the exchange pure text file)
| (stores prescription into its DB as a non-modifiable HTML document)
FreeDiams can be recalled with the HTML/XML datas without any lost !

That's the way MedinTux works.

FreeDiams is a part of the FreeMedForms project which is a free, open
source, BSD licenced medical record manager. The project is 1.5 year
old, FreeDiams 1.1 year old.

Who is working on FreeMedForms and how far is it advanced ?

Me and some friends for now. One OpenSuse packager, some translators, and who ever wants to help ;) Three medical doctors are using FreeDiams as current prescriber in their office.

How is it different from GNUmed (other then programming language)

I've never used GNUMed, I've tried to install it but never succeed this step... FreeMedForms is totally different at any other EMR ever build as it never knows the exact composition of the patient file. Every patient file can be different. A first XML doc creates the Medical Form, then FMF manages the datas, scripts and interactions between patients informations (called rules).

FMF is for now in early early early alpha stage. I hope to finish a pre pre pre pre beta in the middle 2010 ;)

Mailing list (french/english spoken) : freemedforms@googlegroups.com
Web site: www.freemedforms.com

I take it from your videos that you are developing on MS WIndows ?

NOOOOOOOOO ;) Videos were done by a friend under its own OS.
I'm working on MacOsX 10.5 and Debian/Ubuntu (FreeBSD with much difficulties). Win is used only for the last step of release (build win32 app). I don't succeed on building my apps in debug mode under this painfull OS. Pfff ;)

Take care,


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