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Swithched emboss from svn-buildpackage to git.

Dear all,

as discussed earlier, I am moving the emboss source package from Subversion to
Git. People who check out the whole Subversion repository will be pleased
to read that it will remove more than 300 Mb of files, mostly the manpages
that are specific from Debian and therefore duplicated for each Svn tag.

On the other hand, ‘debcheckout -a emboss’ will now consume 120 Mb instead of
5. This corresponds to the size of the unpacked EMBOSS sources plus a 20 Mb
overhead for the history on three upstream releases and the whole /debian
directory, which I imported in the new git repository. Only these 20 Mb
will actually be transferred over the network, the rest is unpacked locally.

I do not intend to do much more conversions for the moment: most other
packages are not as space-hungry as emboss was.

Here is the procedure I used:

 * Svn -> Git conversion as in http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#ConvertaSVNAliothrepositorytoGit,
   except for the tag names, that I prefixed with ‘debian/’.

 * Import of the upstream original directories as explained in

 * Merged the main and upstream branches.

 * Uploaded to alioth.debian.org/git/debian-med and set up the
   hooks and other meta-data as in http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git

Is it acceptable if I simply delete the emboss directory from our subversion
repository now ? This will not remove it from the history, only from the

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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