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Re: mauve in debian-med

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Aaron Darling wrote:

Not sure if you got the e-mail announcement but I've *finally* made a new mauve release.

No I have not - I'd regard it a clever idea to send a copy to the
Debian Med mailing list.  (So the list is in CC because there is
nothing private in your mail ...)

I've also made a corresponding source code release, and I think (hope) that the code release should be debian-ready.

I'll have a look!

Not sure whether you're still interested in getting this into debian-med, but I am quite keen to see it happen.

I'm very interested but was kept busy with other stuff the last couple
of weeks.  The release is definitely a strong motivation to restart working
on it.  At least my first action will be to upload the new version of
libgenome package which will be part of the next Debian stable release.

Let me know if I can do anything to help make it happen.

Well, if I remember correctly the main blocker was the unclear relation
between libmuscle and muscle.  I really prefer you work and I was close
to upload a new muscle package for Debian based on your tarball (because
I hate confusion and two competing muscle binaries would definitely
confuse our users).  I think your build method is much better and I
hope that muscle upstream will take this over.  On the other hand I
observed in the snapshot you issued on April 22 that the muscle binary
is statically linked instead of using the dynamic library.  I tried to
fix the automake stuff but failed in doing so and I'm afraid I did
not yet told you about my trouble (because I thought I might be able
to fix it and then other tasks became more important).  I think I
will give the new release a try - perhaps the issue is fixed now.

Kind regards and thanks for your work on Mauve



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