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Re: Dentist Management Software (was: Re: Patch format)

> GNUmed is rather complex

It is not any more complex than it needs to be. Yes, it solves quite a
few infrastructure coding problems all of which, however, will need to be
solved by your eventual software, too (localization, translation, modules, logging, error handling, database access, what-not). In fact,
GNUmed is a lot less complex semantically than what it needs to become
- it doesn't cover any billing or prescribing so far.

> and is meant for general-purpose medicine.
This is true. However, any doctor needs patient management.

> Dentists
> need a more specific software (i.e. usually they also have a printout of
> teeth to click on and select treatment).
That would be fairly easy to add.

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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