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Re: Imagej group maintenance?

On Thu, 15 May 2008, Paolo Ariano wrote:

i've received an email with the accout on alioth is:

You are added to the Debian-Med project group now.
If you have read the group policy you should be able to obtain the new
code in SVN.

BTW, I just wrote the watch file which is a little bit tricky.  I will
commit this in SVN with some further changes in some hours.

wow :)

Well, there is no need for wow for this - it's just the sense of group
maintenance to help each other.  I did a lot of changes which you can obtain


If you got the debian directory try

   make -f debian/rules get-orig-source

to get the source tarball.  If you untar the tarball and copy the
debian directory into it you can try to build the package.
And now comes your part of the work ;-):  I as a Java illiterate
fail to build the package without SUN Java (which should be the
goal because we want to move the package to main.  I could imagine
that build.xml might be tweaked - but I have no idea how to fix
this stuff.  Please let us know how you proceed.

I guess we might also try to build the package with SUN Java and
the changes I did to gain profit from the enhanced information in
debian/control and debian/copyright (machine readable) and to get
the new upstream version.  Once this is done we could tackle the
Java problem in the next upload.

Kind regards



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