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Re: Debian in the Sanger Center

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Charles Plessy wrote:

Le Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 11:02:06AM +0200, Steffen Moeller a écrit :
They should run popularity-contest :)

Or rather they should start using Debian Med. ;-)

Actually, we had a discussion on -devel last year, and they do not use
our debian-med packages :( I think that they let users compile analysis
tools by themselves so that they have a full control.

Hmmm, this might end up users using different tools running on the
same data sets leading to different results?  Well, I'm not in their
shoes but I would think twice about this.

Interestingly, this is also how it works here at RIKEN: we have servers
(running CentOS 4, how awful...) on which there is almost nothing
installed by default. In the end it makes sense because upgrading a
software right in the middle of an analysis can be a bad idea, and each
user has a different calendar.

In a totally Debian unrelated contect I heard about application
virtualisation that might be tranlsated into "running each application
in its own minimum chroot" in our case.

Since dpkg can install the programs in a non-root directory, a nice
solution would be to bring this functionality into apt... Let's try to
remember this for the Google SoC 2009!

Yes - if it turns out to be relevant to convince people to use our
stuff we should do so.

Kind regards



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