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Can somebody sponsor emboss-explorer in unstable ?

Dear all,

EMBOSS 5.0.0 should be released today, and the package I am preparing
build-depends on a perl library which is in emboss-explorer. Moreover,
I had to move the binaries of EMBOSS to /usr/lib/emboss, so the upload
of emboss_5.0.0-1 will break the experimental version of

Could somebody sponsor emboss-explorer ? The dsc file is here:


Here is the changelog:

emboss-explorer (2.2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Migration from /var/www/emboss to /var/www/emboss-explorer was
    incomplete. Correcting this.
  * Fixed double-building of the manpages.
  * Added myself to the uploaders.
  * Swiched to apache2 as the default webserver.
  * emboss-explorer.conf now defaults to /usr/lib/emboss, which is the
    only place where the emboss binaries are guaranteed to keep their
    original name (therefore depending on emboss >= 5.0.0).
  * Provides emboss-explorer.conf through a file, not a patch. Modifying
    ./install so that it does not manipulate emboss-explorer.conf anymore
    so that there is a single entry point to change the default
  * Added a configure rule so that the clean rule can always run make clean.
  * Using include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make.
  * Added libcgi-perl in the Depends: field of emboss-explorer.
  * Added libparse-recdescent-perl in the Depends: field of
    libemboss-acd-perl (Thanks to Anthony Boureux).
  * Moved dpatch from Build-depends-indep to Build-depends, because it is
    needed for debian/rules clean.

 -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam@plessy.org>  Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:29:10 +0900

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan

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