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Re: About EMBOSS

Hi all,

I tried to build emboss 4.0.0 using the /debian dir of Matt and a minor
build-dependancy change (xlib transition), and surprisingly, it worked
(it did not for 3.0.0). It does not install yet due to conflicts with
other packages (emboss ships libraries which are already packaged in
Debian), but I hope that not is too hard to fix.

So I think that I will be able to prepare a conservative emboss package
for Sarge: without embassy (integration with non-dfsg-free programs) and
without the java stuff (I am too ignorant yet). This can be considered
as an update of the 2.8.0 packages, and as it contains the core emboss
facilities (sequence database management, command line programs), I
think that it will be perfectly suitable for many users (at least
myself ;)

I uploaded the /debian dir to the subversion directory of the pkg-emboss
project in Alioth.

A more complete packaging will take more time and is likely to be out of
frame for Sarge. Improvements will be :

- Inclusion of the java stuff,
- EMBASSY support,
- integration of web interface(s),
- integration with other front-ends and wrappers,
- generation of manpage from the source (I do not want to write 100
  manpages and maintain them by hand !)
- REBASE support, possibly through debian-volatile.

The copyright holders of rebase are very friendly, but their answers
about the licencing were a bit vague:

> REBASE is free to its users and they may use the data however
> they'd like, but when this use involves repackaging the data
> and redistribututing it, the common courtesy we always provide
> one another is to credit the source of this data.

I will contact them again before uploading anything in main. In the
worst case, as there is no building involved, the package can go to
non-free without too much inconvenience.

I have subscribed myself to the pkg-emboss-devel@lists.alioth.d.o, which
will also be te "Maintainer:" of the packages. I think that the
technical discussions can be done there, and I will invite people from
bio-linux and emboss to use this adress for interactions with the
packaging project.

But as long as I am the only person subscribed to this list, and that
the discussions are not lenghty, I think that they can also take place
on debian-med@l.d.o.

Have a nice sunday,

Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan

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