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Drug lists

Getting hold of drug lists should not pose much of a problem. It all depends on your requirements. You can go to the industry associations like IFPMA, you could go to the World Health Organisation - which office again depends on your requirements. You could go to a drug wholesaler, or you could go to a local pharmacy.

But the needs: For a prescriber it is necessary with tablet strengths, package sizes, and maybe prices. If there is generic prescribing, generic names might be sufficient. Anyway: the really important question is that no single prescriber ever needs the entire list of drugs available in a country. A survey in the UK some years ago (general practitioners) concluded that 150 or so might suffice for most needs.

So I would rather make a module that was able to import a tabular compilation, whatever source, so that each user - whether a GP or a pharmacy - had full freedom to modicy and choose.

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