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Re: PD Drug DB Helpful Link

On 11 Jun 2002, Elizabeth Barham wrote:

> > http://www.fda.gov/cder/ndc/
> I haven't heard much feedback about this. I'm *very* excited.
Uhm, I was offline yesterday.  I'm currently quite busy with
talks about Debian-Med and developing a sane menu technology.
I hope to post a status report in the next days.

> The debian-med web pages mentioned something about a public domain
> database. The FDA's NDC data is great for this at least for the United
> States. The question is, though, how best to implement it?
If you want to bring the Debian-Med web pages to a better state in this
field it would be great if you could send me a patch or just a
plain text.  Please send me anything what should be shown on the
relevant page in your opinion and it will be there soon.

I would have to fork myself several times if I should care for all
thos questions myself.

> A series of DBM tables may work for distributing it, though, leaving
> the implementation up to the end developers.
For sure the implementation is the field of developers, but perhaps we
could share a database for this purpose.

Thanks for your useful research and input to our project


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