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Bug#920285: mate-panel: Panel widgets should expose an Accessible object to at-spi


Mike Gabriel, le ven. 01 févr. 2019 06:37:48 +0000, a ecrit:
> On Wednesday, 23 January 2019, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > The issue is that mate-panel widgets do not expose Accessible objects through at-spi. When looking in accerciser, we see mate-panel expose the panel structure (thus why Orca says "panel"), but the final widgets are not exposed.
> > 
> > Of course, for proper complete support, probably each and every panel widget needs to be fixed to expose its content through at-spi. Perhaps mate-panel should at least put the name of the widget in the panel description (just like it does with panel_a11y_set_atk_name_desc for "Top Panel"), so at least the user knows which widget it is. We can then work on adding support to widgets, at least the most commonly used.
> > 
> > Samuel
> Is the patch mature enough for Debian buster? I am open to shipoing it with Debian's MATE 1.20, once upstream has applied it. So, what's the status of this?

Upstream will probably not apply it as such, as it seems it prefers to
add support for each widget instead.


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