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Bug#892748: ctrl+alt+tab no longer switches between panel

Package: mate-desktop-environment-core
Version: 1.20.0+1
Severity: normal

Hello all,

Since the release of mate-desktop-environment 1.20.0+1 the ctrl+alt+tab keyboard shortcut has been moved from switch between panel to switch switch-windows-all.

It's IMO a regression for three reasons:
1) ctrl+alt+tab exists since GNOME2 and is affected on switch between panels. 2) ctrl+alt+tab is described on the official Mate documentation so having differences from documentation make things more difficult. 3) All keyboard only users uses ctrl+alt+tab to switch between panels. It's also the same behavior with Metacity.

The commit introducing the regression : https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mate/mate-desktop-environment.git/commit/?id=123ad77b22f829e52f13be29cfed60f27e77b2ae

Best regards,

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