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Re: Review busybox for bullseye

Le dimanche 12 janvier 2025, 16:50:05 UTC Tobias Frost a écrit :


I have reviewed patches only against upstream for now
CVE-2023-42364-part2.patch; I think you could remove the why comment

+			if (t_info == TI_TERNARY) /* "?" operator */
 //TODO: why?

Other patches seems ok

I share your analysis
> Hi everyone,
> I've prepared a candidate for busybox, (currently ready for bullseye,
> next would be buster but as it has a lots of synergy it makes sense to
> call for testing already now))
> As busybox is, well, a very important package I'd appreciate to have
> some extra quality control on that one, so please lend me some extra
> pairs of eyes and maybe throw everything that looks like an awk script
> at it...
> I've put prebuilt packages here: https://people.debian.org/~tobi/bb/,
> but of course they can be built using the LTS repo too:
> https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages/busybox
> Thnks in advance!
> Cheers,
> tobi
> For full transparency, and in the hope it helps the assemement here are
> my notes for the journey:
> Here's a list of CVEs and their status:
>   CVE-2023-42366  unpatched, unanswered upstream patch, see below
>   CVE-2023-42365  patch ready, see below
>   CVE-2023-42364  patch ready, see below
>   CVE-2023-42363  ignore/postpone, see below
>   CVE-2023-39810  unpatched, unanswered upstream feature patch [A]
>   CVE-2022-48174  patch from upstream
>   CVE-2021-42386  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42385  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42384  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42383  unpatched, no patch available.
>   CVE-2021-42382  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42381  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42380  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42379  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42378  patch from Ubuntu
>   CVE-2021-42374  patch from Ubuntu  (marked unimportant in the security tracker)
>   CVE-2021-28831  patch from Ubuntu
> "unanswered" means no reply from upstream.
> "patch from Ubuntu" means: Those patches are taken from Ubuntu, package
> versions 1:1.30.1-4ubuntu6.4.
> CVE-2022-48174 was also originally taken from Ubuntu (d/changelog still
> credits it,) but sec-tracker now also nows since XMas the (identical)
> upstream commit as well.
> CVE-2021-42374 is marked unimportant in the security tracker, but as the
> patch was readily available from the Ubuntu package and the patch very
> small, 
> I've decuded to included this fix too.
> [A] https://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2024-August/090865.html
> CVE-2023-42363 - Use after free in awk:
> =======================================
> This CVE is marked "not affected" by Ubuntu [1] for the ubuntu releases
> that have 1.30.x (that's also what we have in bullseye, buster)
> There is a poc on the upstream bug [2], I can get the poc to trigger
> with the version in bookworm, but not in bullseye and buster. In
> bullseye and buster ASAN only reports the usual memory leaks, but not a
> use-after-free.
> Therefore I have reasons to believe that the bug was introduced later.
> A git bisect finds [3] as the first commit that makes the poc trigger.
> The code is touching the same code as the patch does [4], so I think
> I've found correct commit, but it might be also that this "just" exposed
> a bug enough to make the poc trigger
> Even if the code is quite similiar, backporting seems risky, and due to
> not be able to trigger the poc for 1.30, I'd suggest to "ignore" this
> issue for bullseye and buster.
> [1] https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-42363
> [2] https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=15865
> [3] https://github.com/mirror/busybox/commit/371fe9f71
> [4] https://github.com/mirror/busybox/commit/fb08d43d4

> CVE-2023-42364 - (Another) Use after free in awk:
> =================================================
> Note: CVE-2023-42365 is fixed with the same patch, they have the same
> roots.
> This CVE is marked "not affected" by Ubuntu [5] for the ubuntu releases
> that have 1.30.x.
> Also here we've got an poc that can be used for bisecting.
> Bisecting leads to [6] however, this seems more to be the commit that
> start exposing the behaviour, as the commit changes the custom memory
> allocator which previously over-allocated chunks and now stops doing so,
> so increased the likelyhood to write outside of the buffer. 
> So I believe 1.30.x is affected and backported the upstream patch to
> 1.30.1, patch is at salsa [7]
> [5] https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-42364
> [6] https://github.com/mirror/busybox/commit/6cf6f1eaee1f6be2b936c2ff0e5852c00740edb4
> [7] https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages/busybox/-/blob/debian/bullseye/debian/patches/CVE-2023-42364-part1.patch
>     https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages/busybox/-/blob/debian/bullseye/debian/patches/CVE-2023-42364-part2.patch
> CVE-2023-42366 - Heap buffer overflow
> =====================================
> Ubuntu says "vulnerable" for basically every version [8]
> There is a poc that only works for busybox >= 1.34.0, older versions
> detects the syntax error in the poc and terminates without being killed
> by ASAN. (This does of course not mean older versions are immune)
> There is no upstream patch, only a proposed patch in the ticket [9,10],
> but the patch did not receive any reply from upstream.  The patch indeed
> seems to make the ASAN killer go away, tested on upstream 1.34.0 with
> just that patch applied.
> Bisecting seems to yield anoter red herring, [11], the logic changes the
> memory allocation strategy and like above the new allocation stratetgy
> does less over-allocation and possibly just makes is much more unlikely
> to happen.
> I'd ignore this issue for the moment, like 2023-42363.
> [8] https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-42366
> [9] https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=15874
> [10] https://bugs.busybox.net/attachment.cgi?id=9697
> [11] https://github.com/mirror/busybox/commit/8c5da0323bf2da02c40c587c5694b22e3ec623fb
> pocs
> =====
> on p.d.o there is also a pocs.xz that has the pocs for some CVEs
> obtained from the upstream bug tracker.
> One-liner to compile and run one of the pocs (Needs clang and asan.)
>   cat ../pocs/poc-make-patch | patch -p1 && \
>   export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 && \
>   make defconfig && make -j12 && \
>   export ASAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1 symbolize=0" && \
>   ./busybox_unstripped awk -f ../pocs/CVE-2023-42366/poc ../pocs/CVE-2023-42366/awk_t1_input
> Note: for 1.30.1, you'll need to make sure to have 
> https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages/busybox/-/blob/debian/bullseye/debian/patches/cherry-pick.1_31_0-92-gd3539be8f0.remove-stime-function-calls.patch?ref_type=heads
> applied, or it will FTBFS.

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