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Debian LTS and ELTS -- December 2024


here are some remarks about my work on LTS in December.

- python-tornado (ELTS/LTS)

DLA 4007-1 has been released to address CVE-2024-52804 and CVE-2023-
28370. The fixes have also been uploaded for Buster and Stretch. The
ELA will be released as soon as the packages are ready to be migrated.

An update for Bookworm has been prepared as well (#1091765).

- trafficserver (LTS)

An uploaded has been prepared to fix CVE-2024-38479. The upload has
been postponed until there is clarification if CVE-2024-50306 affects
version 8.1 as well.

- tryton-server (LTS)

I started looking into tryton-server. A DLA for Bullseye can be
expected in January.

- setuptools/python-asyncssh (Bookworm PU)

For setuptools and python-asyncssh, I have prepared PUs to fix the
issues already fixed in LTS (#1091764 and #1091800).

- icinga2 (ELTS)

I'm working on fixing the issues in icinga2 in Jessie.

- mysql-connector-python (ELTS)

There was only little progress with mysql-connector-python this month.

Thanks to Freexian and Freexian's sponsors for making these projects  
possible: https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/#sponsors).

Regards, Daniel

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