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Debian LTS and ELTS -- November 2024


- icinga2 (ELTS/LTS)

DLA 3953-1 and ELA-1254-1 were released to address CVE-2020-29663, CVE-
2021-32739, CVE-2021-32743, CVE-2021-37698, and CVE-2024-49369 in
Bullseye and in Bookworm.

The open CVEs for Jessie are currently being worked on.

- unbound/unbound1.9 (ELTS/LTS)

ELA-1235-1 and ELA-1255-1 were published to address CVE-2024-8508, CVE-
2024-43167, and CVE-2024-43168 in Stretch and in Bullseye.

For Bullseye, DLA 3952-1 was published, adressing CVE-2024-8508. I also
got in contact with Michael Tokarev to address this CVE in Bookworm as

The test suite was added and enabled for all releases to check unbound
for regressions.

- mysql-connector-python (ELTS)

I continued to work on the open CVEs in mysql-connector-python.

- general (LTS)

I started looking into symfony.

Thanks to Freexian and Freexian's sponsors for making these projects  
possible: https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/#sponsors).

Regards, Daniel

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