Debian LTS & ELTS report -- November 2024
This is my November 2024 monthly report for the Freexian LTS/ELTS [1] initiative.
Many thanks to Freexian and sponsors [2] for providing this opportunity!
I spent most of my time this month working on ELTS releases (Jessie, Stretch,
Buster), with the activemq package.
Some highlights:
* researched CVE-2022-41678 and CVE-2023-46604
* had conversations with upstream regarding the status of these for the
different ELTS releases
* published ELA-1260-1
I spent some time catching up with some stuff for Bullseye LTS, including
replying to some emails, reviewing the status of some packages I had in the
radar (qemu, nss, dnsmasq), and some updates to my devel setup environments.
All this did not materialize in any particular package upload, DLA, or public
patch worth mentioning this month.
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