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Re: Mirroring the ELTS repository with rsync

Hello Bernhard,

El 28/09/24 a las 15:39, Schmidt, Bernhard escribió:
> Hi,
> the ELTS documentation suggests to use a local mirror 
> https://www.freexian.com/lts/extended/docs/how-to-use-extended-lts/
> We run an official mirror for our local infrastructure, and we would be
> willing to mirror ELTS on our public debian.mirror.lrz.de, however we
> would strongly prefer to use the official Debian mirroring tool ftpsync
> and rsync for that. 
> deb.freexian.com does provide a rsync service, but only for php, not
> for debian-elts.
> Could this be added please? This would probably be faster than
> downloading each file.
> Thanks,
> Bernhard

Since this is a request that relates exclusively to Freexian (and not
to Debian LTS), I will answer off-list.


 -- Santiago

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