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LTS meeting notes: 2024-02-22

Hello everyone. Here are the notes from the LTS meeting held today via

- Roberto C. Sánchez
- Santiago Ruano
- Raphael Hertzog
- Stefano Rivera
- Sylvain Beucler
- Bastien Roucaries
- Santiago
- Helmut
- Thorsten
- Chris Lamb
- Guilhem
- Utkarsh

- Tobias Frost
- Holger Levsen
- Daniel Leidert
- Sean Whitton (TZ incompat.)
- Adrian Bunk
- Thorsten
- Emilio

- debian.social Jitsi has been shut down as a result of abuse
- Action/ToDo items from previous meeting(s) (santiago)
  + Commit notifications are now sent to a dedicated list
    * this will help eliminate noise on the main list
    * subscription is by request, everyone should be subscribed to it
      who has requested it
  + We moved to using pyxian for reporting monthly hours for LTS
    contributors. This needed some work to support non-Collaborators,
    it's now reportedly working.  Standing long-term action to handle
    all hour-handling in pyxian.
  + The dcut workflow has some limitation, tracked later in the minutes.
- Contributor hours management (roberto):
  + Reminder: dormant contributors will have their unused hours reaped
    starting with the March hours dispatch; warnings sent for
  + Remember to make your ledger entry *before* the hours dispatch is
    prepared (on the 3rd of the month)
  + If you know you won't be able to report hours in time, please reach
    out to the LTS managers to let them know. They can make it on your
    behalf. You can update it later.
  + We will move into enforcement mode for unused hours next month.
- Update on the migration to the dcut migrate workflow (santiago)
  + Version reuse is not properly supported yet: test results will be cached for the previous upload using the same version.
    * e.g. if you re-upload after finding a regression in your first upload, before migrating it.
  + An option in the meantime is to get in touch with Helmut and ask him to re-schedule your tests. Helmut is working on being able to do this via an API.
  + Still planning to move forward to the new workflow soon.
  + Note that salsa autopkgtest results may not match debci:
    * debci tests are run under qemu (virtualization-machine)
    * debci schedules reverse-dependencies to be tested against the new
      package to find regressions.
    * Action (Santiago): Document these differences, including testing
      of rdepends (rouca may review)
- LTS for Samba 4.17 (santiago)
  + Freexian has signed a contract with Catalyst to support Samba in
    Debian Bookworm for up to 5 years. This includes AD-DC support.
- Any other business
  + None
- Next meeting
  + 2024-03-28 14:00 UTC [Location: #debian-lts on IRC]

Please let me know if you think I've missed something or if you have any
questions about the items that were discussed.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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