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LTS Meeting Notes: 2023-12-21

For those who missed the meeting or want to refer to old notes, we met
today on Jitsi:


Roll Call / Introduction

Roberto C Sánchez
Santiago Ruano
Helmut Grohne
Tobias Frost
Lee Garrett
Jochen Sprickerhof
Chris Lamb
Raphael Hertzog
Stefano Rivera
Sylvain Beucler
Guilhem Moulin

Ben Hutchings
Sean Whitton

Action Items from previous meetings:

Helmut: Looking at LTS/ELTS uploads. Will discuss later.

Santiago: Review Salsa CI documentation for package repositories.
Will create a GitLab issue to do this for the next meeting.

Roberto: We have a preference to fork repos or work in the maintainer
repo, over creating new repos.
Documentation is updated to show this. Updated the
incomplete-package-update template. Issue temples updated.
Tobi: Hasn't made much progress on the forking guide yet, but hopes to
between Christmas anid the New Year. Needs to be coordinated with this
Roberto: Prefer to record this in lts-team.pages.debian.net. LTS
documentation is being centralized here. We'll discuss this later.

Roberto: Published the 2024 meeting schedule on the website. ICS file

LTS/ELTS Update process (Helmut):

ELTS fully switched to SFTP-based upload process. See the email to the
ELTS contributors mailing list.
All known problems are resolved, if you're still having trouble, contact

You can now opt-into staging, by uploading to extended-lts-staging. This
will run autopkgtests.
britney schedules autopkgtests. migration is manual. There is a dput-ng
plugin to manually migrate packages.

In the future this process will be the same for LTS & ELTS, and the
regular upload queue will direct to the staging queue. Once you're
confident that you're ready, you'll use `dcut migrate` to publish at the
same point as you release your ELA/DLA.

Tobi: amd64-microcode isn't ready yet, but maybe tomorrow/weekend.

Management of hours: (Roberto)

We've been looking into minimum activity thresholds, partly to avoid
locked-up hours from dormant contributors.
Email was sent to the Debian LTS group. <ZXkbd2ZgzjxL3uLZ@connexer.com>
We've establish a minimum threshold for hours.
The aim is to set expectations rather than raise barriers.

From March: If you have assigned hours, and go 2 months without
recording any time-keeping entry (even for 0 hours), you'll be
considered to have gone dormant, and your hours will be returned to the

We send 2 reminder emails a month for missing reports, this will also be
sent if you haven't recorded ledger entries.
Contributors who aren't using many of their assigned hours will be
contacted by the coordinators to discuss where things should go.

Systematic Documentation Review: (Roberto)

The bin directory in the deblts repo is getting messy.
Proposing to move some utilities out of the way under bin/coordinator as
they are only useful to the coordinators: create-lts-meetings-schedule,
dispatch-front-desk, dispatch-work-hours, find-dormant-hours,
lts-count-claims, lts-find-missing-DLAs, lts-unclaim-packages,
Remain in bin: give-back-hours, package-operations,

LTS and ELTS documentation and management is being merged where
possible. The end goal is 1 dispatch of hours per month, from 1 ledger.
Not everyone needs to do LTS & ELTS work, but the process can be merged.

Sylvain: Currently some ELTS documentation is private. What's the
end-goal here?
Roberto: Invoicing etc. will continue to be hosted privately, but this
can all be linked from the single set of public docs. One entry-point
for everyone.

Security support for Go (and other statically linked ecosystems): (Santiago)

It was not clear how to handle updates in the statically linked
ecosystems like Go.

If we ever need to do a golang update, we should fulfil 2 conditions:
1. Don't introduce regressions (fix newer releases first)
2. Rebuild all reverse-dependencies of that package.

Good recent example: https://www.debian.org/lts/security/2023/dla-3455

We hope to improve the case for Debian overall, following this process
in stable security too. We are building tooling that can be used

Continued automation work: weekly FD reminders will soon be automated: (Roberto)

Some recent work has automated the weekly reminders via cron.
There were a few mis-fires and batches of emails went out inadvertently.

The weekly front-desk reminders are next to work on.
After Christmas: Automated notices about incomplete updates.

Been creating tickets in lts-extra-tasks for the tooling improvements.
Volunteers are welcome to help work on these scripts.

Any Other Business:

Next Meeting: January 25.

Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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