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Re: Propose to ignore libxstream-java CVEs


Am Mittwoch, dem 22.09.2021 um 20:57 +0200 schrieb Sylvain Beucler:
> > 
> > I am pretty surprised because I had concluded that all reverse-dependencies
> > would break, due to not white-listing any app-specific class:
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2021/06/msg00040.html
> > 
> > I'll test your package shortly to see if my angle is relevant with this
> > patch.
> I had a look again.  IIUC you mean no Debian non-lib package actually
> use xstream at all, or the breakage has negligible impact
> (e.g. Jajuk's support for Last.FM scrobbling should become more
> network-intensive since the submission cache won't load anymore).
> User code that link to our xstream.jar may break though (see below
> with an application that uses libjsap-java), so it's a bold move, but
> your call.

You are right that all applications will break which rely on the
deserialization feature of xstream and were not using a whitelist before.
Everything else that just writes a POJO to XML should be unaffected. In general
we won't be able to support every custom user application that links to a
system library but there is a simple workaround for this problem because you
can override the permissions and even return back to a blacklist. 

So that leaves us with all the dependencies of libxstream-java in Debian. I
don't see any major regressions by this switch but indeed deserialization
without properly initializing xstream will no longer work. libjsap-java has an
optional feature to read configuration parameters from an xml file (jsap files)
but it still works in normal mode. It should be possible to override JSAPConfig
but I will file a bug report anyway because this version is from 2006 and it
does not look like it is maintained upstream.

Quote from upstream:

"The key message for application developers is that deserializing arbitrary
user-supplied content is a dangerous proposition in all cases."

"A blacklist for special classes only creates therefore a scenario for a false
security, because no-one can assure, that no other vulnerability is found"

I agree with him and I believe it is better to use the whitelist instead of
relying on the blacklist. The alternative is to continue with the blacklist
until bullseye is EOL.



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