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Upcoming compatibility problem of oldstable (and older) vs. certificates from Let's Encrypt

Hello LTS Team,

I want to raise a (rapidly) upcoming compatibility problem affecting older debian release when connecting via i.e. https:// to any system using SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.

Raising here as i didn't see any discussion in debian project.

The problem:
- Starting 2021-10-01
- openssl < 1.1.0
- gnutls < 3.6.14

will fail to validate any Let's Encrypt SSL certificates (which did not do a per-certificate choice to avoid this).

This article by the project has all the details:

In short:
- They use a certificate chain containing a CA certificate expiring on 2021-10-01
- While that path it not valid after that date, there is alternative path still being valid
- However older version of some libraries do not even try alternative paths but give up on seeing the expired one

In Ubuntu they are backporting the chances to avoid this problem in both openssl / gnutls:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1928989 (openssl)
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/gnutls28/+bug/1928648 (gnutls)

Given the wide-spread use of Let's Encrypt it may make sense to consider doing that also on the debian side.

Note that apt itself is using gnutls.
So if people are using https:// to access some repos and the repo/mirror uses Let's Encrypt that could get much more annoying.

Checking openssl / gnutls versions across releases:
jessie		libssl1.0.0		1.0.1t
		libgnutls-deb0-28	3.3.8

stretch		libssl1.0.2		1.0.2u
		libssl1.1		1.1.0l
		libgnutls30		3.5.8

buster		libssl1.0.2		1.0.2u
		libssl1.1		1.1.1d
		libtnutls30		3.6.7

bullseye	libssl1.1		1.1.1k
		libgnutls30		3.7.1

Bug present in
- openssl < 1.1.0
- gnutls < 3.6.14

Looks like:
- bullseye is fine
- But every older release seems to be affected

Assuming there is interest this affects probably
- LTS Team
- ELTS if any of the sponsors is interested
- 'normal' debian for old-stable ?
I just wrote just here for the moment to not spam several teams.

Let's Encrypt offers alternative chain avoiding this bug but breaking compatibility with old Android. That can server as a workaround for this issue on case by ase. But as this is on the 'other side' (each certificate) not really a global fix.

Stefan Hühner

p.s. Please CC me on replies, i am not on the list

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