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Possible clashing of work

Hi Markus, LTS, and Security team folks,

I write this with my LTS FD hat on and with a reference of IRC text
from #debian-lts earlier today, where it was decided to "disable
uploads to jessie-security" (Emilio will send a separate mail for

With regards to the current transition of Jessie from LTS to ELTS and
Stretch from Security to LTS, I suspect there'll be two (or maybe
more) possible clashes, which I'd really want to avoid.
So I am writing here so that we avoid them both:

1. imagemagick/oldstable

Right now, this package has been claimed in dla-needed.txt by Markus
and in dsa-needed.txt by jmm.
Although I think jmm is working on Stretch and Markus is working on
Jessie. But to be very explicit (since explicit is better than
implicit :)), I am going to move the package from dla-needed.txt to
ela-needed.txt (since it's listed in packages-to-support and since
Jessie is now ELTS!).
This will indeed make sure that there is no clash of work.

Please shout back if I should not.

2. squid3/oldstable

Right now, this package has been claimed in dla-needed.txt by Markus
and by no one in dsa-needed.txt.
Now, this is an interesting part.
squid3 is not supported in Jessie ELTS. So we just want to fix it for
Stretch. This means that it'd be very nice if Markus can work on
oldstable DSA instead.
This also means that I am considering to drop it from dla-needed
(because it doesn't make sense to have it there anymore!?).

Please really should back if I should not.


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