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I joined back in July as a trainee and now a part of the LTS
team since this October, and all this while I forgot to introduce
myself, so here it goes..

I am 19 y/o Debian Maintainer (opening a NM process for DM -> DD
this weekend :)).
Being a part of the Ruby, JS, Golang, Perl, and the Python team,
I mostly help in maintaining GitLab, Rails, Ruby, et al. The other
libraries/applications that I maintain are available on my DDPO[1].

Besides Debian, I contribute to typeshed[2] and other projects.
Being in the junior year, the major chunk of my times goes in the
University stuff. 

Apart from open source, my interests lies in Parsers, Compilers,
and Computer Architecture. Though I haven't gotten much there,
but I hope I soon will (still figuring out how to go about it).

I learned about LTS during Abhijith's talk in MiniDebConf Delhi,
somewhere in March this year and I've been interested in the same
since then. And at this DebConf, I met Holger and finally became
a part of it :D

Much thanks to Abhijith and Holger for helping me out all this
while with the workflow :)

Excited to be a part of the team :D

[1]: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=guptautkarsh2102@gmail.com
[2]: https://github.com/python/typeshed

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