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Re: the way to enigmail: gnupg 2.1 backport considerations

On 2018-11-13 22:02:45, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-11-13 at 12:31 -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> On Mon 2018-11-12 15:16:39 -0500, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> >  * libgcrypt20 (part of GnuTLS, 1.6 -> 1.7)
>> libgcrypt is not a part of GnuTLS.  GnuTLS has used nettle instead of
>> gcrypt for years.  gcrypt is more properly "part of GnuPG" than anything
>> else.
>> basically, all of these libraries are gnupg libraries.
>> It's a little bit distressing that upstream's attempt to split them out
>> as distinct libraries (which i think was intended to make them more
>> useful to other consumers) might be a roadblock on the way to updating
>> GnuPG itself.
>> Ben's suggestion of shipping them in a non-default location ("vendor
>> bundling"?) sounds pretty dubious to me -- i wouldn't want to reason
>> about (let alone vouch for) the upgrade path from such a hybridized
>> variant of jessie to standard debian stretch myself.
> I was thinking that those libraries would be included in the same
> binary package as /usr/bin/gpg2 and other executables, which would all
> have a run-path set.  No-one should need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so no
> other executables would use those libraries, and the libraries would be
> removed when the executables that use them are removed or replaced.
> Since gnupg2 actually spreads executables across multiple binary
> packages, I realise the libraries would have to be an additional binary
> package and that would remain after an upgrade.  But it would be
> harmless cruft that "apt autoremove" would deal with.
> (I assume that GnuPG 2.1 would be packaged as "gnupg2", replacing GnuPG
> 2.0 since that is no longer supported upstream.  If not then I do see a
> problem of how to make, say, gnupg2.1 in jessie upgrade to gnupg2 in
> stretch.  But that's independent of the library issue.)

I think this is overengineered. I still haven't heard exactly what the
problem would be with upgrading those libraries. They are present in
jessie-backports and presumably well tested. They are rarely directly
consumed by third-parties and mostly encapsulated behind GPGME, at least
that's my understanding. The SONAMEs don't change, so they should be
backwards compatible anyways.


Doing otherwise would be a massive change and would mean we would be
maintaining multiple copies of those four libraries in jessie, and in an
obscure location as well. I don't know how we would proceed to do this
as source packages anyways - would they all get merged into the gnupg2
source package?

In any case, I don't feel confident starting down that path and I'm
running out of time for the month, so I'll let others figure that out
for the next two weeks.


Premature optimization is the root of all evil
                        - Donald Knuth

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