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Re: [Announce] Samba 4.7.3, 4.6.11 and 4.5.15 Security Releases Available for Download


2017-11-21 10:47 GMT+01:00 Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil@debian.org>:
> Hi Mathieu,

Hi Salvatore,

> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 10:42:58AM +0100, Mathieu Parent wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you can see bellow, two samba CVEs have been un-embargoed.
> Yes seen already and added them to the tracker.


>> Current status:
>> - I've build, tested and uploaded sid,
>> - I'm currently rebuilding stretch-security (I forgot "-sa").
>> Salvatore, where should I upload?
> Please to security-master once you have it.

My dev computer is slow, hang on...

>> - I've build, tested and uploaded jessie-security in embargoed.
>> Salvatore will handle the DSA.
> Will do togheter with the stretch-security as soon we have the upload
> and builds (at least for i386 and amd64).


>> - I've prepared wheezy-lts. Should I upload?
> You can go ahead with uploading it to security-master as well, once
> accepted it's installed directly in the security archive. Do you want
> to send the DLA on your own? Otherwise I can help with that.

I'm uploading to security-master. Please help me to send the DLA.



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