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Re: Wheezy update of irssi?


* Rhonda D'Vine <rhonda@debian.org> [2016-11-25 12:38:19 CET]:
> * Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> [2016-11-25 12:04:40 CET]:
> > This is not a very frequent use case. That said you are still
> > welcome to provide an update in wheezy if you wish so.
>  Interestingly enough, I tried to push it last night but fumbled with
> having forgotten to include the .orig.tar.gz into it.  I will try so
> again the coming night.

 I uploaded it and got an accept mail.  Can someone of you who did this
on a regular basis write the DLA?  One thing that I realised: One should
probably "/script load buf" (if it's used/loaded already) before the
"/upgrade" call after the package installation so that the new script is
already during the upgrade.  That would be worth mentioning in the DLA
to make people aware of it (for those reading :))

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