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Re: Please remove non-lts architectures from wheezy-security

Am 29.04.2016 um 20:18 schrieb Tom Turelinckx:
> Hi,
> With the non-lts architectures such as sparc now removed from wheezy/updates on security.debian.org, what is the recommended way to access the archived security updates on non-lts architectures? Is using wheezy-proposed-updates the recommended approach?
> Thanks,
> Tom


non-lts architectures are still available on the mirrors but it is
recommended to upgrade to Debian 8, Jessie now. If your
/etc/apt/sources.list looks like the one at
https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Using, you should still be able to install
the packages. However there won't be any updates for other architectures
than i386, amd64, armel and armhf anymore. Having
wheezy-proposed-updates in your list won't make any difference. It is
only meant to test and prepare new stable point releases. You can find
more information about "proposed-updates" here:




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