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Re: Glassfish security support (in Squeeze)

[ wearing the hat of the debian-security-support maintainer ]

Raphael Hertzog wrote...

> Thus I believe that we should mark the package as <end-of-life> and
> recognize officially our inability to handle this package.

As I have no particular opinion about that package, some general
remarks: Ending support for a certain package always introduces a risk
other packages are affected, too. So part of such a removal request
should include an analyis about that.

Now a quick glance at the reverse dependencies on packages that are
build from src:glassfish reveals the following dependencies will
become unsatisfyable, read: They'll point to unsupported packages
([s]uggest, [r]ecommends, depends else).

  libjsf-api-java (s)
  libspring-web-2.5-java (s)
  libspring-tx-2.5-java (r)
  libspring-context-2.5-java (r)
  libcommons-dbcp-java (s)
  liblogback-java (s)

Question to those who are acquainted with these packages: Is this
acceptable? Is there a feasible solution for users who are affected by

> If there are no objections, I'll file a bug against
> debian-security-support to request this.

That shouldn't be necessary, a word from the security team will be
sufficient. It wouldn't hurt, though.


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