debian-lts-announce Jan 2024 by subject
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[SECURITY] [DLA 3706-1] netatalk security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3707-1] tomcat9 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3708-1] exim4 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3709-1] squid security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3709-2] squid regression update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3710-1] linux security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3711-1] linux-5.10 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3712-1] kodi security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3713-1] subunit bugfix update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3714-1] keystone security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3715-1] jinja2 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3716-1] ruby-httparty security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3717-1] zabbix security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3718-1] php-phpseclib security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3719-1] phpseclib security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3720-1] thunderbird security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3721-1] xorg-server security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3722-1] mariadb-10.3 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3723-1] libspreadsheet-parsexlsx-perl security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3724-1] pillow security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3725-1] postfix security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3726-1] bind9 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3727-1] firefox-esr security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3728-1] openjdk-11 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3729-1] debian-security-support security update
The last update was on 22:40 GMT Wed Jan 31. There are 25 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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