debian-lts-announce Dec 2023 by thread
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[SECURITY] [DLA 3678-1] horizon security update - CORRECTED ANNOUNCEMENT
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3675-1] zbar security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3680-1] opendkim security update
Tobias Frost
[SECURITY] [DLA 3681-1] amanda security update
Tobias Frost
[SECURITY] [DLA 3682-1] ncurses security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3683-1] roundcube security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3684-1] tzdata new timezone database
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 3685-1] debian-security-support security update
Holger Levsen
[SECURITY] [DLA 3686-1] xorg-server security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA 3687-1] rabbitmq-server security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 3688-1] haproxy security update
Chris Lamb
[SECURITY] [DLA 3689-1] bluez security update
Chris Lamb
[SECURITY] [DLA 3690-1] intel-microcode security update
Tobias Frost
[SECURITY] [DLA 3686-2] xorg-server security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA 3691-1] spip security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3692-1] curl security update
Adrian Bunk
[SECURITY] [DLA 3693-1] osslsigncode security update
Tobias Frost
[SECURITY] [DLA 3694-1] openssh security update
Santiago Ruano Rincón
[SECURITY] [DLA 3695-1] ansible security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3696-1] asterisk security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 3697-1] firefox-esr security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 3698-1] thunderbird security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 3699-1] libde265 security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA 3700-1] cjson security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA 3701-1] tinyxml security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3702-1] libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3703-1] libreoffice security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 3704-1] xerces-c security update
Guilhem Moulin
[SECURITY] [DLA 3705-1] php-guzzlehttp-psr7 security update
Guilhem Moulin
The last update was on 23:00 GMT Sun Dec 31. There are 29 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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