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[SECURITY] [DLA 2615-1] spamassassin security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2614-1] busybox security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 2616-1] libxstream-java security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 2617-1] php-nette security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 2618-1] smarty3 security update
Abhijith PA
[SECURITY] [DLA 2619-1] python3.5 security update
Anton Gladky
[SECURITY] [DLA 2620-1] python-bleach security update
Chris Lamb
[SECURITY] [DLA 2621-1] php-pear security update
Sylvain Beucler
[SECURITY] [DLA 2622-1] python-django security update
Chris Lamb
[SECURITY] [DLA 2623-1] qemu security update
Markus Koschany
[SECURITY] [DLA 2624-1] libpano13 security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2625-1] courier-authlib security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2626-1] clamav security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2627-1] xorg-server security update
Chris Lamb
[SECURITY] [DLA 2618-2] smarty3 regression update
Abhijith PA
[SECURITY] [DLA 2628-1] python2.7 security update
Anton Gladky
[SECURITY] [DLA 2629-1] libebml security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA 2630-1] wordpress security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2631-1] zabbix security update
Sylvain Beucler
[SECURITY] [DLA 2632-1] thunderbird security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2633-1] firefox-esr security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2634-1] openjdk-8 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2635-1] libspring-java security update
Sylvain Beucler
[SECURITY] [DLA 2636-1] pjproject security update
Thorsten Alteholz
[SECURITY] [DLA-2637-1] drupal7 security update
Gunnar Wolf
[SECURITY] [DLA 2638-1] jackson-databind security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2639-1] opendmarc security update
Utkarsh Gupta
[SECURITY] [DLA 2640-1] gst-plugins-good1.0 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2641-1] gst-plugins-base1.0 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2642-1] gst-plugins-bad1.0 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2643-1] gst-plugins-ugly1.0 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2644-1] gst-libav1.0 security update
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
[SECURITY] [DLA 2645-1] edk2 security update
Markus Koschany
The last update was on 20:20 GMT Thu Apr 29. There are 33 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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