debian-lts-announce May 2020 by subject
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[SECURITY] [DLA 2176-1] inetutils security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2196-2] pound regression update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2198-1] otrs2 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2199-1] openldap security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2200-1] mailman security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2201-1] ntp security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2202-1] ansible security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2203-1] sqlite3 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2204-1] mailman security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2205-1] firefox-esr security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2206-1] thunderbird security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2207-1] libntlm security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2208-1] wordpress security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2209-1] tomcat8 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2210-1] apt security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2211-1] log4net security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2212-1] openconnect security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2213-1] exim4 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2214-1] libexif security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2215-1] clamav security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2216-1] ruby-rack security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2217-1] tomcat7 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2218-1] transmission security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2219-1] feh security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2220-1] cracklib2 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2221-1] sqlite3
[SECURITY] [DLA 2222-1] libexif security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2223-1] salt security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2224-1] dosfstools security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2225-1] gst-plugins-good0.10 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2226-1] gst-plugins-ugly0.10 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2227-1] bind9 security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2228-1] json-c security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2228-2] json-c regression update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2229-1] php-horde-gollem security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2230-1] php-horde security update
[SECURITY] [DLA 2231-1] sane-backends security update
The last update was on 21:40 GMT Sun May 31. There are 37 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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